Daydreaming Realist: One-Day Sale: Children's Subscription Box Deals :)

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One-Day Sale: Children's Subscription Box Deals :)

Think I'll tell y'all about one more sale, before the day is up :)

Get 75% Off your FIRST BabbaBox

I've written about how much we like BabbaBox, before, so I was happy to see this email, today. If you haven't tried out BabbaBox, yet, this is a great time to do it on the cheap. You can cancel anytime. You can see my past BabbaBox reviews here :)


Kiwi Crate Cyber Monday Bonus! An additional 10% off to our original 30% off sale. Shop Kiwi Crate ››

Kiwi Crate is also offering a discount for today only. The Kiwi Crate will be just $11.95, which is a great price for a box with several activities in it. I also LOVE how easy it is to pause your subscription with Kiwi Crate--you just log in and manage your subscription. You can have it sent to someone else's address, also.

NOTE: The discount is for the monthly subscription service. If you don't want to be charged for this each month, then cancel it after your order the discounted box. You will be able to try it out without worrying about commitment, if you cancel before the next charge. They both have great customer service.

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