Daydreaming Realist: Happy New Year! I Resolve to...

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Happy New Year! I Resolve to...

Thank you, Kera, darling, for the fun linky party thingy! I'm linking up with this procrastination group... Here goes nothin'!

I want to use everything on Kera's list and then add all of mine... lol
  1. Get healthier, for real. No more excuses like these: 
    • "can't workout today, because I'm out of ice for my water," 
    • "it's ok, because I skipped breakfast," 
    • "I will exercise twice as long tomorrow," 
    • "it's too late to go walking alone... on the treadmill... in the house..." ;)
  2. Pay off some debt. Student loans and so forth.
  3. Find the right person for my friend. Not really what it sounds like. Important, though.
  4. Cook more; eat out less. 
  5. Get organized. The house, the files, my desk, the closet, coupons (to save money).
  6. Get a totally different haircut/hairstyle. I'm an "I can do everything, myself!" person, so that keeps me out of the salon. I want some highlights--it's been too long. Time to lighten up ;)
  7. Find more opportunities. In a lot of ways.  
  8. Do all of the easy organizing/remodeling things that I have pinned. Some of these can be done in one weekend (or a day) and cost very little.  
  9. Get Piano and Guitar lessons from someone awesome. Maybe, even find someone that will give me free lessons, since I'm broke. I'd give someone free lessons in a heartbeat, but after the second day, I'd be out of information... it's like one of those free trials that locks down right before you're sure if you like it or not. I'm a free trial musician... 
  10. Keep up with everything on my calenders. I actually went the entire year of 2012 without a calender (seen here). I made it through. Now, it's time to go back to the real way of doing things--mtWTFs.
  11. Lucky #11. Rekindle old friendships and platonic relationships. I have so many old friendships that we keep alive through social media, email and texts; time to make those a little more "realistic" and actually, I don't know, *talk* to each other... Hey, you! Call me! ;D                                            
  12. Even dozen. Blog more freely and remember that this is my piece of the blogosphere. 
  13. Baker's dozen. Get those photos off of your phone and into albums, woman
{win the lottery. find the pot of gold. become a millionaire}

Ok... that's what I'll be working on this year. I won't add in things like *buy new tires, *replace carpet with not-carpet, *have transmission repaired in the well-behaved vehicle that decided to show-out  last month...  

What are YOUR resolutions? 


  1. Again...I'm so sorry that I haven't been stopping by lately. Besides being busy and sick, I have no excuses. And those really aren't excuses either!

    I love your list of goals for the new year, and I'm glad that you linked up to my challenge. I hope you'll still consider me for that "right friend" mama, because I'm not that easy to get rid of! xoxo..

    1. No apologies :) The door's always open around here and I'm always happy to see you! You're an amazing friend, Kera--always have been :) xoxo


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