Daydreaming Realist: Children's: Tyson Nuggets Present "Twas the Nugget Before Christmas"

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Children's: Tyson Nuggets Present "Twas the Nugget Before Christmas"

Recently, Noah and I were in Sam's Club, and I was looking over some new "reads," when he handed me a Christmas-themed magazine. I found this interesting, because he usually doesn't  pay attention to the magazines; he loves to look at the children's books.
He's so adorable, because he thinks that cookbooks and cooking magazines work like scratch-and-sniff books! Scratch, Scratch, Sniff... "ahh, that smells very good," he says. 
(What a great idea, though, really!) 

This magazine had little Christmas cookies on the front--snowmen, trees, swirls--so, I could understand why he wanted it. For the record--I bought it. :)


So, what do you think about this idea? 

The holiday season is full of decorations, good food and beautifully adorn... cookies. What if we took it in another direction and let our little ones decorate Tyson Chicken Nuggets!? It's no secret that children love chicken nuggets and french fries, so it's about time we brought a little festive touch to their dinner plates :)

You can check out fun ideas on Tyson's Facebook Page :)

*~*~*Let's Decorate*~*~*

Behind the Scenes: Creating "Twas the Nugget Before Christmas" 

with Tyson Chicken Nuggets

Turn your child's dinner plate into a beautiful storybook scene 
with a few simple ingredients. 
Each finished project will yield one meal :)

What You'll Need:
  • Tyson Chicken Nuggets
  • Biscuits or small dinner rolls
  • French Fries
  • Ketchup, barbecue sauce, ranch sauce
  • One slice of orange cheese (if you want to make the bonus project)
  • Plate(s)
  • Disposable sandwich bag(s) to use for piping (or piping bags, with tips)

If you want to pipe the condiments onto the nuggets, all you have to do is put sauce inside of a sandwich bag, twist it closed and snip off the tiniest, little corner. Don't cut much; just a teeny, tiny corner. About this big >

Part I

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.

Step 1
Cut the biscuit in half, lengthwise. Insert one chicken nugget under the top of the biscuit--that's his blanket. Remove 1/3 of the top of the biscuit, so that you can see the nugget's "face."

Step 2
Arrange french fries to look like a fireplace. Use ketchup to create the fire over the "logs."

Step 3
Using a packet of ketchup (or any sauce that you choose), draw a sleepy face on the nugget. 

Part II

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!

Step 1
Choose a round nugget to be your Santa. He's really fun to create! Place him on the plate.

Step 2
Draw Santa's beard with ranch sauce, his nose with ketchup, his eyes and mouth with barbecue. You can use the ranch as his eyes and then put the dots on with barbecue, to create the storybook look.

Step 3
Using a pizza cutter, design Santa's hat from a piece of cheese. I used Gouda because it's firm and gives a white canvas to work with, but you can use a different firm cheese (swiss, cheddar, etc). 

Step 4
Place the cheese hat on Santa's head and color it in with ketchup. You can use ranch to add on the white trim and little snowball that's at the tip of his hat.

Part III

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Step 1
Place a nugget on the plate. Choose one that looks the most like Rudolf--I chose the "boot-shaped one." 

Step 2
Draw Rudolf's face. I used barbecue for his eye and mouth. I used ketchup for his nose. Ranch is great for making eye's more cartoon-looking.

Step 3
Create Rudolf's antlers with barbecue sauce! Just freehand little antlers on his head :)



A Sweet, Little Tyson Chicken Nugget Penguin

I love penguins! I always try to incorporate penguin-themed items into my holiday decor. I've designed a Tyson chicken nugget penguin for you to enjoy!

To create this penguin: Use barbecue sauce for his body, ranch for the white, and orange (cheddar/American) cheese for his feet and beak.

I hope you enjoyed my Christmas story told with Tyson chicken nuggets. Children will love decorating their nuggets and coming up with their own ideas. Decorating chicken nuggets allows children to express their creative ideas, encourages socializing, and strengthens fine motor skills.

Get out your stash of sauce packets and have a Tyson Chicken Nugget Holiday Party with the kids!

If you'd like to sample Tyson Chicken Nuggets, demos of the nuggets will be coming up soon in local Sam’s Clubs! You can check those out on 12/13 - 12/14, from 10am-2pm, at all Sam’s Clubs Nationwide.

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias®  and Tyson #CBias #SocialFabric


  1. You are a genius. My boys will love this.

    1. Thank you! It's so much fun. You could even make animals with cheese cubes and pretzels :)

  2. genius. I think while all the cookies and sugar plums and such are all so lovely swirling 'round in our heads, it is nice to be able to embrace Christmas in a bit healthier and more balanced sorta way. Good on you for that. And thank you too for sharing it here for other moms and kiddos.

    Following ya this Wordless Wednesday. We're riding the wave of life at Local Sugar Hawaii and I would so love it if you'd join us for the fun.


  3. Oh my goodness, this is too funny! What fun! And I love your son's idea, scratch and sniff food magazines! YUM!

  4. Oh. my. stars. This is so cute! I love it! Excited to be following you - thanks for joining in on the GFC hop! ((Hugs))

  5. Oh mama! This is the cutest most adorable idea I've ever seen! Makes me want to go bake up some chicken nuggets of my own lol. I bet Noah was just thrilled with this :) You are so creative. I love you!

  6. Aw, so cute! I love seeing the fun you can have with food, I bet your son loved it! Stopping by from the Mommy brain mixer hop :)

  7. This post is AMAZING!! You are one creative mom!!!! Love your ideas! Bet the kids LOVED it too!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  8. So cute! I LOVED the penguin! I bet your kids loved their meals!


Someone as beautiful, smart and funny as you are must have something to say about this, right? ;) So, what do you think?


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