Daydreaming Realist: I'm Moving to WordPress

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I'm Moving to WordPress

I started out over there and moved to blogger {because, I thought it was easier to use}, but I've decided that I want to move to self-hosted and WordPress, too. This is one of those things that you go back and forth with a lot... to WordPress or not to WordPress? At the end of the day, I really am excited about the new beginning, new communities, new everything {even though I'll lose my 70,000+ view count... not that we actually watch that number, everyday, right?}; it's now or never, I think.  This will probably take some time to get everything ready and move it over there. I have a few big posts that I'm drafting, so I'll wait until those are published, too :) So, that's what's been on my mind.

Why I'm telling you~* Since, I won't be on GFC, anymore, make sure to follow me on Bloglovin, ok. :) I'll follow you back, so we can keep in touch. You could also/instead follow by email.

Hope you have a wonderful day. TGIF!!


  1. You're moving?! Eekkkk good luck girl. I am so nervous to move my blog over in fear of losing everything. Please let me know how it goes and maybe it will give me that boost to do it myself! I'm going to miss your posts in my feed :( *tear* good luck my friend. I'm sure this will bring you many wonderful opportunities that you deserve!

    1. Thank you! you're so sweet, I could hug you! *tear* I'm gonna miss the news feed thingy, too :( I'm scared of losing things, too. I'm still debating whether or not to hire someone to move me {have no $ for that} or if I should give it a shot. I'm backing everything up and there's an importing tool, so I feel pretty confident about it. I'm most worried about losing comments & creating broken links {errors pages} for the internal links in my posts (linking from one post to another one). I'm definitely thinking it through, before I actually do anything. I'm excited, though! lol. I thought you were going to do it, first, and I was planning to learn from you ha!

  2. Got you on bloglovin' and I'm going to miss you on Blogger! Who knows, one of these days I might move to the wonderful world of WordPress ;)

    P.S. --> Nope, no one watches that number everyday, even though I know mine is at 5542 :P

    1. I'm following you, back! :D It's bittersweet, really... I'm wanting to move so bad, because there's SO many options over there, but I really love the social aspect of Blogger so much more... I love the news feed, GFC etc. I found another way to move over there, too, that I didn't realize--and I can keep the .com without being self-hosted! *score!* lol. Yeah, I don't watch my numbers, either ~ no way. :P {I think we always will. It's like getting a sticker in kindergarten or something lol} :D If you do move over there, you can be in my... whatever they have over there... {ha!} community? blogroll? list? Whatever it is~Ima put you in it! :) <3


Someone as beautiful, smart and funny as you are must have something to say about this, right? ;) So, what do you think?


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