Daydreaming Realist: Wordless Wednesday. My Baby Noah.

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Wordless Wednesday. My Baby Noah.

♥ Noah  4 months ♥ old  :)

I love him so much. Looking back at his baby pictures always makes me cry. I can't believe how quickly time goes by and how the days turn into months, before you know it. He's so beautiful and so perfectly my baby; my darling, my world, my hopes and dreams, my pride and joy, my sweet Noah. 

I used to watch him sleep, when I should've been taking a nap, too. How can you resist the peacefulness of a sleeping baby. There's something so exciting about wanting to be there the very second that they wake up. I still do this and he's five :) That very moment when he wakes up and he smiles, because I'm there, is much better than the sleep that I would've gotten or the chores I could have done... or the shower I could have taken ;)  They grow so fast; you really have to slow down and take it all in... make it last.

I love you, Noah.


  1. So, so true! It goes by in an instant. What are we gonna do when they start high school? learn to drive? graduate?

    I think this is the first pic I've seen of Mr. Noah and he is quite the handsome fella ;)

  2. Noah. How precious. I'm glad you decided to share this photo for WW :)


Someone as beautiful, smart and funny as you are must have something to say about this, right? ;) So, what do you think?


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