Daydreaming Realist: The New Year Resolutions Post

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The New Year Resolutions Post

(this is published late. notice that I did not mention anything about improving my procrastination this year... I've pretty much mastered it--why make all of the practice-procrastination be in vain, right? Read on, good person.)

Welcome to the last day of the year, everyone! It's bittersweet, because I'm a little happy to see a New Year with new opportunities on the horizon, but at the same time, I'm a little sad to see everyone turn one year older and for everything that just happened to become a new memory for the photo album. Do you get nostalgic on New Year's Eve/Day, too?

Over the weekend, I took a moment to throw myself across my bed with a flowery notebook and a colored pen and jot down some hopes, dreams, plans for this year. The best thoughts can be put into words with notebooks and colored pens, I think; it's always worked for me.

My New Year Plan

>>Get healthier and fitter.
I've said this before, and I've made some great gains on it (pun?) by eating healthier and replacing a lot of my mainstream stuff with natural/organic/toxin-free options. This time, though, I mean I want to lose weight, get toned and be able increase my cardiovascular blah blahs. Word it however you want, I want to be able to run up a few flights of stairs without having to stop and breathe "check out the view" from each flight.

>>Eat Cleaner.
I love cooking and I'm about to show you exactly how much this year! My menus will include juicing, for sure. I'm starting my big juice cleanse tomorrow (Friday, January 3rd!). Follow along as I tell you all about it and you can see if it's for you. I've never done this before, either :)

>>Organize my life, bills and everything else around me.
This is code for I'm about to throw a lot of shhhht away. I'm redoing my files and putting everyone who comes in this house to work shredding all of the junk mail that I have stored in containers (yeah, really, how annoying is that). Redoing the way I keep everything--linens, cabinet contents, the whole nine. You, too?

>>Spend Less, Save More.
I'm not going to sit home and hoard coins like a fat cat with a new toy, but I'm definitely planning to spend less money this year on the little things that add up too quickly (disposable stuff, fast food etc).

>>Talk more, keep secrets less.
I'm a secret keeper like no other. I never want to start trouble, so I keep everything to myself; this is much to other peoples' advantage, but not mine. I plan to say more this year and stop keeping everything private--it's so stressful to dance around secrets. There has to be a fine line between privacy and openness; I will find that line and walk it well.

>>Live more, worry less.
 I just want to let it all go this year. I've blamed myself for the wrong things for too long. I want to surround myself with accepting, easy-going people (old and new) who love me and support my decisions and life choices. I'm exhausted from worrying what people think about me or what they think of what I'm doing or not doing. I will let in people who want to love me. I hope to enjoy life without worrying about everything that is beyond my control. Que sera, sera. 

>>Sleep better.
The other goals will help with this. So will a new bed frame... storage bed frame or platform? I'm trying to decide. You have any experience with these?

>>Be less afraid and more brave ( I worded it that way on purpose)
It makes sense, right? Stop doubting myself and follow my heart. Stop being afraid of "what ifs" and just do what I consider to be "the right thing" more often. Fear is what keeps us from following our heart. If you're in a situation that you don't like, then you need to ask yourself what don't you like about it and what is it that you miss/want the most. If you answer those questions, you will find the right path to your own contentment.

>>Love myself more {and show my son how to do the same, through example}

I'm starting by eating healthier, getting in shape and making more time for my writing. If you want something, you have to make time for it; yes, you can. Yes, you can. Hey. Hey... Yes, you can... I want to feel more confident about my appearance and my importance in the world (beyond being a parent, which is my most important role, of course).

I want to feel like I have a place in the world, too; I want to be "me". I want to be known by my first name, too, and not just as "N's mom."   I love art, music, nature and cooking; I want to embrace all of those interests/talents, this year, and let my baby boy love me for who "I am" instead of him growing up never knowing me as a person. I want to be friends with him, and to love and support each other through our many, many life experiences, successes, challenges and journeys. I want to create memories together and have positive, supportive views of each other and ourselves. I want him to see that it's ok for women to "have a life" outside of the family and home. I want to instill good values in him that will lead to more successful relationships in his future. I want to teach my very young son how to love himself for who he is, by becoming a living example of just that.

What are your goals for 2014? Did you love or loathe 2013? Comments are very welcome, so get to writing!



  1. I too LOVE my Lip Crayon! Its become my everyday fave! Im new and have only received 2 bags thus far, I wasnt over joyed with getting a fragrance sample (they practically beg you to take them when you walk into a department store). Im traveing soon and would LOVE some sample hair care items, frizz control or hairspray, I would also LOVE a nice face/lip scrub as well! *Fingers Crossed!*

  2. Me, too! I'm wearing it right now lol. I've tried it over lip balm, alone and it just keeps working out as an everyday lip color. I didn't get the fragrance sample last month, but I saw it on Instagram. I totally agree with you; I don't mind the fragrance samples (the sample size) if you're not losing a product for it, but I don't like it instead of a larger product. There's a great lip balm so far, so I'm definitely looking forward to more sneak peeks this week (maybe, there will be hair care and skincare products!).

  3. Thanks for the sneak peaks! For the darker berry shades, they can easily be lightened by using a lip brush to line your lips in the color and then a nice balm to fill in, rub your lips together and the pigment will smudge nicely to fill. This effect also helps to make your lips appear fuller/plumper!

  4. This! Yes! I do this, too. You can mix nude colors with the darker colors, too, and make your own shades. Necessity is the mother of invention :) I like the way you think.

  5. Tiffany, in my search for this months goodies, I seem to have uncovered we MIGHT be getting some face/hair care items as we so hoped!

  6. Hey, Mandi! I just posted the hint for today and saw your comment! The January bag is looking really impressive/useful, isn't it? I can't wait to see what the actual bag looks like (I love them). I'm really excited about the items in the 3rd sneak peek today, too! Yay for hair/face care items! Thank you for sharing Zadi's link with me :)

  7. Im excited you have more details about the products in the image! Thanks for those! Where do you blog gals find these sneak peaks at? I rely heavily on you guys to tell me what Im getting :) I saved several of last years bags and used them to gift out Birthday gifts of polishes, balms and lotions, they are great!

  8. Oh, you're welcome, it's totally my pleasure to write these posts--I've been writing these for 2+ years (for different subscriptions). Ipsy posts the image on facebook (which you probably know) and I will usually recognize some of the items in the photo; If I don't, I'll Google part of the words and see what turns up and if it matches etc. Oh behalf of all bloggers, we really appreciate you relying on us, because the readers are what makes blogging fun =) Ohhh, that's an awesome gift and a great way to give it, too! I saved mine and I use it to separate my makeup into categories and then I line them up in my cube/drawer~ they really are great! I love, love the black December bag!

  9. Hey, Tammy! I use a double pencil sharpener and it fits perfectly into the bigger side. Just be sure not to over-sharpen it, since it's a soft product. You don't really need a fine point on it; you're just removing some of the wood to better access the lip color. I just did this and it works like a charm~it sharpens really well :)

  10. How do you sharpen the j cat lip pencil??


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