Daydreaming Realist: Liebster Award Nomination

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Liebster Award Nomination

Thank you, Kouponing Kayla, for nominating me for a Liebster award! 

Let's get this show on the road!

11 Questions for the bloggers:
1. If you could have one thing right now, what would it be?
2. Do you prefer to talk to on the phone or talk with someone in person?
3. Pencil or pen?
4. What recipe do you enjoy making?
5. What are you most afraid of?
6. Do you have something that you carry with you every day?
7. If you could have an unlimited shopping spree at any store, what store would that be?
8. What is something you have always dreamed of doing?
9. Would you prefer to live in the country or the city?
10. What book have you read recently?
11. What would be your dream job?

My Answers

1. Genie from Aladdin to grant me unlimited wishes and make me laugh :)
2. In person would be my favorite.
3. Pen. Black pen~ that doesn't smudge.
4. I love to make my Arroz Con Pollo in the crock pot. Good, healthy, easy :)
5. Dying, of course, but, also, failing to make the best choices for my little boy. And living the wrong life, because I didn't take the right chances. This all comes back to "making the wrong choices" is my greatest fear.
6. Yep. Noah and my iPhone. Never leave home without em :)
7. Mercedes dealership. Then I would sell them and buy a house and bank the rest of the cash. lol.

8. Daydream: Time travel. Reality: Go to the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, N C. I've never been there and I want to go so bad. I had a trip booked, once, but had to change plans. The house is breath-taking! It's also the amazingggg gardens that I'm wanting to see! 

I wanna see the gardens, the mountains, the house {castle?!}, the everythingggg about it :)

9. That's a tough one. I have always said "country, hands down." Now, I say, "Good neighborhood near the city." It sucks to drive 20 minutes just to get to the store, but the scenery is so worth living in the country. I think the best of both worlds would be a beautiful neighborhood that's just minutes from "everything."

10. Recently, I read diet cookbooks--it's January, what can I say. I gravitate toward nonfiction books that are self-help or psychological/deep-thinking/thought-provoking. I like books that explain things. Like I've said before, I'm addicted to bookstores and I love anyone who will go to one with me. I also love music books, some biographies, and I'm an avid cookbook collector {especially, regional ones.}

11. Realistically: Blogging/writing. I would love to earn a full-time income from writing & blogging . I feel like great things are gonna come {hopefully, I'll write a children's book, like I've wanted to forever} and I'm putting all my faith in myself. I've been writing for years, but blogging for just one year~I love it! 
My Daydream Favorite Job: Cake decorating/designing. I love to decorate cakes, but I'm not interested in the catering part of the business... just the art part... that's why it's on the back burner... when it was, once, my passion.

Well, there's a little more about me! Hope you guys learned some things that you like. I'll tag a few more of you back and keep this thing going :)

Whoa, Whoa, hold up... I almost forgot to do the 11 random facts part! :D

Ok... all of these (seen here) PLUS these:

  1. I have recurring dreams. Often and it's more than one dream. I actually saw a place I had dreamed about once... {this will lead to a future post, probably.}
  2. I'm scared to death of coyotes and bears... and spiders... and snakes.
  3. I love Starbuck's Iced Caramel Macchiato... {guilty pleasure, once a week}
  4. I have heightened senses and often taste, hear and smell what others don't. I didn't realize this until a few years ago. {in most cases} I can hear a sound one time and tell exactly which direction it came from and usually about how far away it sounds... not being weird, but this is, apparently, not something every single person can do. Gotta be good at something, right... I wish this worked for my eyes, too. Stupid contacts. Stupid glasses. Not really, my glasses are pink and I love them... whenever I run across them and wear them.
  5. I love paper/tangible magazines. I have too many of them. 
  6. I freaking LOVE hippie grocery stores! {that's what I call 'em} Ya know, the ones with organic this 'n that and tons and tons of vegetarian choices. 
  7. I don't litter and I always wear sunglasses in the car. {sunnies, shades}
  8. I really, really don't like dramatic talk shows (Dr. Phil, Maury etc). 
  9. I laugh when I get really mad, because I come up with the craziest "what I'm about to do to you is..." scenarios and they really humor me, which leads to laughing, which ruins my evil threats. I'm not evil; I'm a bunny... that loves cheesecake.
  10. Pizza is actually my favorite food. It sticks to me like glue. I buy it frozen, so I can eat just (this) much. {I cook it~I don't eat it frozen lol} Nom nom. Goat cheese on my pizza? Yes! Onions on my pizza? You know it, baby! *Pizza*
  11. I listen to music all the time--while I cook, while I eat, while I drive, while I walk... then, it will be quiet for a while, while I listen to it in my head. I heart music.

Lator, Gators! 
Comment back with your links!


This award is given to new or up and coming bloggers ...the award is then passed along to other bloggers in the same category to help spread the word and support one another.

1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. No tag backs.

I Tag These Wonderful Bloggy Friends:
Lizzy~ Mattabellax3
Holly~ Home Bruing
I'm passing along the same questions to you! 
These questions are great and I love the personal touch and variety in this list :)


Someone as beautiful, smart and funny as you are must have something to say about this, right? ;) So, what do you think?


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