Daydreaming Realist: 30 Days of Thanks & Giving

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30 Days of Thanks & Giving

Thanksgiving (holiday) is this month, so I'm joining everyone in the "What I'm Thankful For" posts. I'm also doing a lot of giveaways this month--group, friends, personal--so, my theme will be Thanks & Giving.

I'm excited to create--what is, essentially,-- a gratitude journal; this is a great idea for this month and every month :) I'm happy to be a part of the blogger community, because there are so many wonderful ideas being shared by friendly people.

30 Days of Thanks

Day 1. Nov1

I'm grateful for my family. I'm happy that I have people who love me--both in my home & in my life. My family includes my dogs, foster cats and my newly adopted bunny. I may not be rich in money, but I'm rich in love.

Day 2. Nov 2

I'm thankful to own a vehicle(s). This isn't something that anyone is entitled to--it's a privilege -and I'm very grateful that I can come/go when I need to.

Day 3 (Nov 3)

I'm thankful for my home. Sometimes, I wonder when I'll have my "dream home" with all the little details that will make it mine; then, I realize that I already have that, even if it's not extravagant. I have a home that has room for those I love and it's been good to me. One day, if I build my "dream home," I will be grateful for that, but my present home has so many memories and it's been loyal to me even through the toughest of times. I'm grateful for this house and I plan to spend more time saying that out loud and through my actions. I love that there's 3 bedrooms & 2 bathrooms for my family. I love that my kitchen has enough room for even our largest birthday crowds. I love the memories of buying this home with my newlywed husband and my sweet puppy-baby. I can remember how happy my RooRoo was as she ran all through this house and wanted to play in the closets and roll all around the floor. I remember the day I found out I was going to be  mommy in the master bathroom. I remember the day that I brought my sweet baby boy into his house for the first time. I remember his first steps in the living room, his first belly laugh in his swing and the first time he said "mama" in the kitchen. I remember sitting on the floor of the living room and clapping & encouraging Noah to roll over for the first time. My fold-out table has pictures of the first "person" my baby ever drew; I'm preserving that, because it's so adorable. My Noah's room has a place where I mark his height on the wall, just the way my grandma did for me when I was a child. I remember decorating his room with my Mama when I was pregnant. I love my home and I'm thankful for it.

Day 4 (Nov 4)

I'm thankful for my health. I'm glad that I have the ability to walk, breathe, talk and live on my own. I'm grateful that I am healthy enough that I can take care of others. I'm grateful for my entire body and I'm lucky to have it.

Day 5 (Nov 5)

I'm thankful for my friends. Time changes how close you are to people, but not how much you love each other. I'm happy to know so many wonderful people and I'm always happy to hear from them. I no longer worry about how long its been since we last talked/got together, I'm just happy to hear from my friends. My friends include people I've known from childhood, people I met in high school, people I used to hang out with a lot, and just so many people from so many different places/situations/times in my life--I love them ALL. I'm also thankful for all of my new friends that I've made this year. I'm surrounded by a lot of fun, wonderful, incredible people--online and offline--and I'm always adding to that group. I love making new friends, because you can never have too many of them. 

Day 6 (Nov 6)

I'm thankful for my ability to forgive people, because it keeps me feeling free. We all make mistakes and I always try to imagine myself in someone else's shoes. You never know what a person is going through. Even nice people say mean things without really meaning to.

Day 7 (Nov 7)

I'm thankful for my forgiving body. I have put it through so much, but it keeps being good to me. All of my anxiety, lack of working out, weight changes, clumsiness and my body keeps being strong. I resolve to treat it better, by treating myself better. 

Day 8 (Nov 8)

I'm so, so, so thankful for my little one. I swear, I admire the strength and integrity of my little guy more than he'll ever know. His loyalty and love are unwavering. He's someone that I could not live without. I could live anywhere, be as poor as dirt, but as long as my Noah is by my side I will be richer than money could ever make me. He has a heart of gold and intentions that are pure and sweet. He's my hero; I strive to be more like him, instead of making him be more like anyone else. I'm truly blessed to have my Noah; I'm so glad that God gave him to me and not someone else. We're two people who share one very strong bond. I would go all Brave on a bear for him, any day. I love my baby.

tbc on a separate post :)


  1. Yay!! I loved reading your post and look forward to reading all month!
    Michelle :)

  2. I'm doing this on Facebook and I'm going to recap/expand in my Thankful Thursday link ups!!! Stop by sometime! Your newest follower!


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