Daydreaming Realist: Thinking Stone: How Naked are You?

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Thinking Stone: How Naked are You?

There's an old saying, 
"A thousand men cannot undress a naked man."

This is my interpretation: If someone is naked, then no one can undress them - there are no layers - they simply are exposed to all who encounter them. To me, this means if you don't keep secrets, then no one can reveal any secrets about you. If you keep everything out in the open, then no one can threaten to "remove the layers" by telling things about you; everyone is welcomed to know your truth. Imagine the freedom you'd have if you were not keeping secrets about yourself from others.

More precisely, I believe this saying is about honesty. Honesty allows you to be "naked/exposed" through telling the full truth about everything--including your life and current/past situations. Lies are your metaphorical clothing that people can strip you of & expose you.

What a great weight would be lifted if you spent your life -metaphorically- *naked.*

Thoughts? Do you keep your personal life to yourself or do you tell people anything they want to know? Do you often answer, "How are you?" simply by responding with, "Great. How are you?" or do you give a sincere and honest answer to the question? We could all benefit from a little transparency in our lives.

So, how naked are YOU?

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