Daydreaming Realist: My Dog Chelsea is a ShihPooHuaHua

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My Dog Chelsea is a ShihPooHuaHua

Meet my dawg, Chelsea. 

  • She's 5 years old and she loves to sit outside--even when its cold.
  • She's a mixture of a Shih Tzu, a Chihuhua, and a Poodle. Fancy~Fancy. lol.
  • She really enjoys beef jerky and spying on people, dogs and cats.
  • You can often find her on the top of the couch or peeking out a window.
  • Her nickname is "naturally beautiful," because she's the only girl dog, here, that doesn't go to the groomer ;)
  • She can jump straight in the air and land far away--like a superdog! She, once, jumped from one arm rest of the couch to the other--straight in the air, sideways--and didn't bump into any of the three people on the couch. This dog is amazing! 

Here's a story about Chelsea

Chelsea always sees and hears ev-er-y-thing. 
It was no surprise, to me, that she was all over this situation... 

when that cat's face disappeared
she was, like, right there. 

Evil cat. That's freaking creepy, right? Seven days... jk. 
More like... nine lives... nine, scary, scary lives. It would be cool if it morphed into a little pony or a turtle! It just kept being a cat, though.

Chelsea's Doppelganger.

Ok...Chelsea is one of a kind, right? I mean, after all, she is a ShihPooHuaHua and you can't just request one of those premium breeds without a little notice. I'm lucky to have such an exquisite little dog~ I know this...

Well, I was getting out of my car, one day, and I saw this! 


How did they even do that? Where did they even get that her? 

And she's like 10x the size of my sweet Chelsea~this is the deluxe edition, apparently ;) 

I just stare in amazement... and I show this picture to anyone who denies the existence of other Chelseas :) She is something special :)

The wonderful thing about Chelseas
is Chelseas are wonderful things.


  1. Awe what a cute post about your doggy! I've always wanted to see what your little puppies look like :)

  2. By the way...I'm LOVING your new blog design!


Someone as beautiful, smart and funny as you are must have something to say about this, right? ;) So, what do you think?


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