Daydreaming Realist: Spoiler: My November PopSugar Must Have Box

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Spoiler: My November PopSugar Must Have Box

My POPSUGAR Must Have Box for November, 2012, just arrived! 

Its so exciting when you know that you're getting a package in the mail. I have been looking for spoilers online, but didn't find any. It was fun to open it without knowing what's in it, so I think I'll try to avoid spoilers next month :)

Contents of the November PopSugar Must Have Box :) 

Snow & Graham thank you notes

Appropriate for the season, although, I usually don't send these out (I send e-cards). The design is nice and isn't tied to any seasonal colors/images.  

La Boite Spice Mixes

The La Boite spice mixes smell great as soon as you open the box. 
I like that each spice has the ingredients written on the bottom, especially, since I'm not familiar with these spice blends. They're three--very different--blends, so you can enjoy cooking with them in a variety of ways. It's always nice to add to the spice rack. 
I'll definitely use these.

Yogalosophy DVD, MOR Lip product, Gorjana Bracelet

The Yogalosophy DVD features Jennifer Aniston. I'm not much of a Yogi (I suck at it), but I'll check this out. 

The MOR lip product smells great (lemony) and it's clear. It's similar, in texture, to a salve. 

The Gorjana bracelet is really soft and you'll appreciate it more once you're holding it, than you can tell from photos. It's adjustable, in that, you can adjust it by adding twists to it. I love how comfortable it is on my wrist. 

Information Card

This is really useful for understanding all of the products in the package and where to get more information each item. Its also great for ordering more of the items that you like. I really do enjoy having a foldout brochure verses just a one-sentence description of the items--useful.

My favorite Item (ha) Stonewall Kitchen Natural Doughnut Mix

Yeah, I'll get right to baking these, this weekend. I've had a doughnut pan forever and never use it (had to have it, though), so, here's the perfect opportunity! This will be great for sharing. Hey, they should've given us a bag of coffee! 

Donuts & Coffee: A Lovely Fall Weekend

There's also some cards, coupons, deals in the box (StyleMint). 

There ya have it! That's the November Must Have Box. 

If you want to get on the fun, you can sign up here! :)

Hope you enjoyed the photos and I wish you a relaxing weekend :)

I bought this. This post is not sponsored. This blog uses referral links. 


  1. I'm so jelly over the yoga DVD!! That Mor stuff sounds amazing as well!

    1. I'm definitely planning to attempt that Yoga dvd :) I'm excited about trying out the spices & I cooked the doughnuts this morning :) Lots of fun stuff, really!

  2. This looks like a great box! I signed up to receive December's and I can't wait to see what they have inside. The past few months have been really good so I'm excited.

    1. I'm really happy that I signed up for this and I hope you like it, too! I love the variety inside the box--something for every/anyone :) I hope the Christmas box is extraordinary! I ♥ Christmastime :D

  3. I loved September, was disappointed by October, this one is good not great. Kind of a bummer to have to buy a donut pan to try the mix, but really enjoyed the other items. Love Gorjana jewelry, am wearing my bracelet now. Is it snug on anyone else? Already ordered my stylemint shirt!!!

    1. I need to order my shirt, too! I really like the bracelet and I'm trying to twist it just right so that the closure is in the back. I absolutely adore the softness/flexibility of it. I really didn't realize that it's actually a dark burgundy color until I read it on the card--very pretty. I made the doughnuts, today, and I made 1/2 in the donut pan and 1/2 as mini cupcakes--both were tasty. I'll do a blog post on it this weekend :)

      Hope you enjoy everything, too :) It was an interesting mixture of items & definitely could've used an extra thing or two for good measure. I really wish they would've included some coffee/latte or a Starbucks item/gift card lol ;)

    2. I thought the bracelet was a bit snug when I put it on and realized the chain part was a little twisted, it fits perfectly after I made the adjustment. I have already ordered the shirt and the canvas. I opted in for the luxury and found out I will be getting the regular box as well, but I do love to treat myself! :)

      I also subscribe to Birchbox, $10 is the right price and I love saving my points for items in the shop. I'm actually trying the men's box for one month because I have been curious about what they have in there and thought I could spruce up my husband as well. I also get the box, as that is all that is around to fill the sizeable void left by my Foodzie box. I have tried several others, I think Conscious box is a rip off, White Apricot Green Grab Bag has some good items but I have too many items right now, BeautyBox5 has a nice mix of stuff, with the size and price they keep it interesting and it's not always the same brands everyone else gives. GlossyBox is pretty nice but I probably won't keep it; I don't really want too many full-size beauty items, if you don't like the item then it's a lot to get rid of if it's not a deluxe sample., but they do have some good brands and the packaging is certainly classy. I have been getting the PopSugar Must Have bag/box since the first one, exccept for October since it sold out so quickly, and it started off slowly but they have definitely hit their stride. I will probably stop Glossybox after this month or next month, I have hopes that everyone's December box will be great and am really looking forward to the Must Have box.


Someone as beautiful, smart and funny as you are must have something to say about this, right? ;) So, what do you think?


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