Daydreaming Realist: About Me: 30 Day Question Challenge. #1

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About Me: 30 Day Question Challenge. #1

I don't really do this as a "30 day" thing. It's random. So, in honor of being random, here's 20 random facts about me. :)

20 Random Facts About Me

I can wiggle my ears. No joke.

I'm a mommy, thank Goodness. Noah: 64 months old. (lol)

I have 4 dogs (my RooRoo is a mommy, too) and a dwarf bunny. I love animals.

I love rock music {classic rock, hairbands, random rock songs/bands}. 
  • I like classic country music {Johnny Cash, Loretta, George Jones}
  • a lot of random stuff {Ella, Patsy Cline, Fats Domino, Ramones, Paolo Nutini, Adele, Sam Cooke} 

I usually listen to CDs and I still buy $5 CDs at the store. I really love music stores/sections.

{This man is so talented. I must learn to do this before #11 happens.}

{This is my man~ I love Fats Domino!!}

I run on the elliptical, but I hate running. I would rather be outside. I would rather just walk. I run on the elliptical, because I hate exercising. I run to spite myself and I never regret it.

I don't like to drive, but, I really love to ride. I really, really love that rare opportunity to ride with a good driver, so I can watch the trees and scenery go by. I don't like road trips where I'm scared to blink and have to yell out " brakes!! ditch!!! curb!! you can't turn LEFT on red!" I'd rather drive.

I love to read nonfiction books. I can stay in a bookstore for hours. I can consider going to a bookstore a date. They're my favorite stores--especially, the ones with coffee shops :)

I wash my hands way more than the average person. It comes from overcompensating for people who don't wash their hands enough/at all when they're in the kitchen. Grosses me out.

I'm scared of the dark. Hephalumps and Woozles... Jagulars... bad guys. That kinda stuff.

10 I lock doors behind me automatically--car, house, etc. I keep locking myself out of the house.

11 I'm really afraid of dying. That's the reason for #6... maybe, it's because of #6, right?! I'm afraid of death, period. Anyone dying. Life being short. Never seeing people again. I'm avoiding death and so far it's working. 

12 I love comedians. Some people just *have it* and they're witty-funny. Funny: Mitch Hedberg :)

13 I love butterflies SO much, but they freak me out when they land on me. I want them to, then I get freaked out. I love the cycle. I love being me. Actually,  it's not just butterflies. Actually, it's not the bug itself, it's the way it's legs feel on my skin. If it's on my clothes, that's totally cool, but I don't want it to use it's little sticky bug legs to walk on my skin. 

14 I love to yell at House Hunters and Documentaries like it's a sport... I pace, I yell at them, I try to tell other people around me what their (the tv) problem is. I need to find someone else who does this, so we can bond over it lol.

15 I love Mexican food. Especially, the rice. I really love vegetarian Indian food.

16 I make up songs all the time and always have. Little songs for my little guy, long songs for my own entertainment. Most of them are funny, not serious. I also use lyrics as answers/advice, sometimes, but only when I think the other person doesn't know. It amuses me. I also like to do that for fun when I think the other person will *get it.* :) 

17 I can get really lost in poetry and lyrics and write pages & notebooks full of them within hours. If I try to write a story or letter, I go blank.

18 I really love penguins. They're marvelous creatures. I loved them long before the movies came out. That movie is so freaking sad--I will never watch it again. (March of the Penguins).

19 I will adopt any animal that gets near me. So broke. So rich in love. I can't stand those ASPCA commercials or even driving near an animal shelter. I hate the thought of homeless animals. 

20 I like to sit by the water and throw tiny rocks into the water to watch the ripples. I also like the sound. I can skip stones, too! That is SO fun!! You've got to try that, if you never have! If you have and you don't anymore, then you should go do it, soon. side note: I also love tadpoles. I go completely little-kid-crazy when I see those tiny frogs that hop out of the water! They're like (this) big. Really! Have you seen them before?! Too cool. Tooooo cool.

Well... That's some random stuff about me. How about you? Post a link and/or comment below. I'd love to know more about you!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this and getting to know more about you and things that you like/dislike. I totally am with you on the adopting animals thing...I HATE those ASPCA commercials and I just want every animal to have a loving home. Especially dogs. I like how you make up songs too :)

    Good luck on your switch to Wordpress!


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